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Julia Crook
Spatial Patterns of Modeled Climate Feedback and Contributions to Temperature Response and Polar Amplification. Journal of Climate [Internet]. 2011;24(14). Available from:
A balance between radiative forcing and climate feedback in the modeled 20th century temperature response. Journal of Geophysical Research [Internet]. 2011;116. Available from:
Climate change impacts on future photovoltaic and concentrated solar power energy output. Energy and environmental science [Internet]. 2011;4. Available from:
A Comparison of Temperature and Precipitation Responses to Different Earth Radiation Management Geoengineering Schemes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres [Internet]. 2015. Available from:
Comparison of surface albedo feedback in climate models and observations. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2014;41(5). Available from:
Assessing the controllability of Arctic sea ice extent by sulfate aerosol geoengineering. Geophys. Res. Lett., [Internet]. 2015;42(4):1223–1231. Available from: