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Naomi Vaughan

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Dr Naomi Vaughan
Naomi Vaughan is IAGP Project Manager, a Lecturer at University of East Anglia and a Senior Research Associate with the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Her PhD thesis on the subject of climate change mitigation and geoengineering included an extensive review of the literature (submitted to Climatic Change) on geoengineering proposals and provides a synthesis of the major issues and specifically how they interact with mitigation. Lenton & Vaughan [2009] was the first paper to calculate the potential maximum effectiveness of the range of published geoengineering proposals in terms of radiative forcing. Vaughan is the Co-ordinator for the GeoEngineering Assessment and Research (GEAR) initiative at the University of East Anglia. Naomi is a Project Partner to the EU FP7 project, EU TRACE which began in June 2012. This pan-European research programme is charged with assessing the current knowledge of geoengineering from the trans-disciplinary perspective of the natural sciences, engineering, economics, ethics, politics and law, and communicating the findings to a broad international audience.
University of East Anglia
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5 years 18 weeks

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